I have been trying to build this blog for many years. But everytime I tried something new it doesn’t work.
The reason is that I am too afraid of what I am writing. As this blog is meant to be a technical blog that storta act as my resume, I am able handicape by it to write perfectly. While browsing through Hacker news, I saw a comment about a question someone ask about being afriad to ship.
The reply was that, ship it anyway knowing that it will be bad. Nobody cares anyway.
The world still moves on regardless of what we do.
I find that so true. Why am I so afraid to ship? Why do I have to care about what people thought I wrote anyway.
Nobdy reads this blog anyway.
Knowing this, I feel kinda liberated.
The blog is more for me. For me to grow.
Not for anyone. I don’t care if everything I wrote here is too basic.
Most importantly I am able to learn and improve myself. Both technically and in my written words. With that I will start writing more post over here.
Starting with C++ primer and with the most basic concepts and building it up.