David Seah
by David Seah


  • WORK

I read an article last week on how to be a good engineer which I find it really true.


Curiosity allows one to dive into things. To find out what one does not know. Is curiosity inborn or something that we can train to be? I am not so sure about it. I mean there other things that I will be interested in and not. While some other people will find some other stuff interesting that I will find it totally boring. But is it possible to have an interest in everything and if that can be cultivated? I am not sure. But I will keep a lookout for answers.


Communication is to spread what you know to people. This is getting more and more important as we are building bigger and bigger things that need major collaboration. I must admit that I am not very good at communication. Something which I am trying to improve myself on. Both written and in speech. So that is what this blog was created. Practising to be better in this aspect.